Training Title: PTSD and Veterans: The Invisible Wound
Clock Hours: 2
Objectives: After completing this course, participants should be able to:
• Recognize the impact PTSD has on the veteran population,
• Identify symptoms of PTSD,
• Evaluate patients for alcohol use disorder,
• Name primary medications used in treatment of PTSD,
• Describe PTSD symptoms, and
• Name the main type of therapy used for treatment of PTSD
Description: The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) defines PTSD as “a disorder that develops in some people who have experienced a shocking, scary, or dangerous event.” While 7 – 8% of the general US population will develop Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder at some point in their lifetime, US military veterans are at a higher risk due to circumstances of their profession. This course for mental health professionals will review the impact of PTSD on veterans, aid the professional in recognizing symptoms and eliciting information, and review best practices for treatment.
Keywords: PTSD, posttraumatic stress disorder, veteran, substance abuse, cognitive behavioral therapy
Approval Bodies
Association of Social Work Boards Approved Continuing Education (ACE)
CAADE - California Association for Alcohol/Drug Educators
California Association of DUI Treatment Programs (CADTP)
California Board of Registered Nursing
California Consortium of Addiction Programs and Professionals (CCAPP)
Florida Board of Nursing
Florida Board of Psychology
Florida Dept. of Health (Board of Social Work, Marriage & Family, Mental Health Counseling)
Illinois Alcohol & Other Drug Abuse Professional Certification Association, Inc. 03/20-22 (I)
Illinois Alcohol & Other Drug Abuse Professional Certification Association, Inc. 2022-2024 -&- 2024-2026 (AI).
NAADAC, National Association for Addiction Professionals
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