Training Title: Addictions: Module 1 Unit 2 - Twelve Step Groups and Steps - What Are They?
Clock Hours: 1
Objectives: At the completion of this program, participants should be able to:
• Cite history and origins of 12-step groups
• Understand the philosophies of 12-step groups
• Understand the role of 12-step groups in recovery
Description: This course is Part 2 in an Addiction Series. Twelve Step Groups like Alcoholics Anonymous are a great resource for support and strength for people who have life controlling issues to overcome. This training examines the history and nature of 12-step groups with particular focus on Alcoholics Anonymous because AA was the foundation for other groups that came later. This training gives an overview of types of meetings and what it might be like for someone who is considering attending such a group or referring someone to such a group.
Keywords: Addiction, counselor, recovery, Alcoholics Anonymous, AA, 12-steps
Approval Bodies
Association of Social Work Boards Approved Continuing Education (ACE)
CAADE - California Association for Alcohol/Drug Educators
California Association of DUI Treatment Programs (CADTP)
California Board of Registered Nursing
California Consortium of Addiction Programs and Professionals (CCAPP)
Connecticut Certification Board, Inc.
Florida Board of Nursing
Florida Board of Psychology
Florida Dept. of Health (Board of Social Work, Marriage & Family, Mental Health Counseling)
NAADAC, National Association for Addiction Professionals
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